Cal’s Garden Center provides the best Native Prairie, Minnesota Flowers

Perennials are definitely one of the best Native Prairie Minn. flowers because they can withstand our unpredictable Midwest climate. Not only do they look great, but they also come back year after year and require very little or no maintenance! Here are some popular perennial options to add to your garden today.


Coneflowers, or Echinacea purpurea, are native to the Midwest region and bloom throughout the summer months. The height of this plant tends to range between 16 inches to four feet, depending on the variety. Coneflowers are typically a pinkish purple and white, but unique versions such as “Tomato Soup” feature bright hues of red and yellow!

Coneflowers or Echinacea Purpurea

Lenten Rose

Lenten Rose, or Helleboros Orientalis, is a tough, shade-loving plant that commonly blooms when there’s still snow on the ground. Each plant typically grows about a foot tall and 18 inches across. These flowers come in various shades, including red, purple, white, near black, pink and green. These are some of the best Native Prairie Minn. flowers for your walkway or front yard because you’ll see them start to bloom as early as March!

Pink Lenten Rose

Virginia Bells

Virginia Bluebells, or Mertensia Virginica, is one of the best Native Prairie Minn. flowers because they are happy in the sun or the shade. These plants usually grow to be about two feet tall and two feet wide. Virginia Bluebells sport pink buds that blossom into pinkish purple flowers, which then eventually fade to that famous light blue hue. We recommend planting these beauties behind a summer bloomer to conceal the faded foliage that turns brown by June.

Virginia Bluebells

Black-Eyed Susan’s

Black-eyed Susan’s, or Rudbeckia fulgida, is a beautiful, no-maintenance plant that remains in bloom for more than a month beginning in August. They require full sunlight and typically grow to be about three feet tall and two feet wide. They feature bright gold flowers and spiky seed heads, which offer bird food and winter interest to birds and insects. Some popular varieties of Black-Eyed Susan’s are called “Indian Summer” and “Goldstrum”.

Panicle Hydrangeas

Panicle Hydrangeas, or H. paniculata, are great for the Midwest because of their high tolerance to cold weather. They are much larger in size, growing to be about six to eight feet tall and wide. These plants feature cone-shaped flowers that begin white and emerge to a beautiful shade of pink. Panicle Hydrangeas are best used in hedges or borders because of their large size and vase-like shape.

Panicle Hydrangeas

Russian Sage

Russian Sage, or Perovskia Atriplicifolia, is an extremely low-maintenance plant that blooms in the late spring or early autumn. These plants normally reach three to five feet tall and create a lovely, lacy mix of grays and lavenders. Russian sage makes a great companion to other plants such as roses, tall sedums or ornamental grasses.

Russian sage plant

Hardy Geraniums

Hardy Geraniums is a gorgeous plant that begins flowering in June. They thrive in full sunlight, and usually grow to be about six inches tall and 14 inches wide. They have pale-pink flowers that change to a bold shade of burgundy in the fall. Their dense foliage and spicy apple scent makes this plant a perfect option for the borders of your garden.

Hardy Geraniums

These are just some of the many great options for perennials in Minnesota. Our goal at Cal’s Garden Center, located in Savage just Southeast of Native Prairie, is to provide you with all of the information and tools you need to be a successful gardener, so don’t hesitate to contact us with any additional questions you may have about your gardening needs!