First Editions® Diamond Rouge®PP24667 | Hyd pan
This variety has abundant, long lasting, rounded flower heads that start white and progress to pink, intense raspberry red and finally wine red. Flowers start blooming in July and take on red coloration earlier in the season than other pink paniculatas. Flower color is best in the fall when night temperatures are 10 degrees cooler than day temperatures. Compared to Strawberry Sundae®, Diamond Rouge® is slightly bigger and has distinct raspberry-red flowers that color earlier in the season. Benefits from multiple prunes in production to produce strong stems. Flower color varies based on climate and growing conditions. Bred by Jean Renault in France. (CPBRAF, ®CA)
Height: 4-5′
Spread: 3-4′
Shape: Compact, upright
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Yellow, orange
Zone: 3-8