Minnesota can be subject to some very harsh winters, which means that if you’re not careful, you may lose your entire garden to a late freeze. It’s possible winter will hold on a little later than you planned on, too, which may mean you don’t get your best Burnsville Minn. flowers, vegetables, and other plants into the ground as early as you expected. While there are a number of different plants that just aren’t going to prosper in the state, there are plenty that will not only survive the cold winters but will actually do very well.
Cool Season Vegetables
If you want to get a jump on a vegetable garden, these cool season plants are definitely the way to go. They can withstand some chilly temperatures, especially if you start them in pots and keep them up off the frozen ground.
Lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, onions, and brussel sprouts will all begin to grow almost right away.
It may be difficult to dig into the cold ground, so wait until you’re fairly certain the last freeze of the season has come in. In Minnesota, you can often start growing these vegetables around the middle of April.
Warm Season Vegetables
If you want to grow things like eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables that really thrive in the warmer seasons, you should wait until the danger of extreme cold has passed. For those wanting the best Burnsville Minn. flowers, this means the middle of May, possibly even the end of the month. Any late freeze is going to kill these plants, so be sure it’s warm enough for them. You may even want to start them in a small greenhouse or indoor area before you move them outside.
Do you want something a little less edible and a lot more decorative? There are a number of gorgeous flowers that you can grow in Minnesota. Our state is generally considered to be a Zone 3 or Zone 4 area. These zones are designated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and are used to determine which plants are going to grow the best in that area. The northern part of the state is a Zone 3, while the southern part is a Zone 4. A few parts of the southern-most area are actually a Zone 5 on some revised maps. The lower the number, the colder the area, and the hardier your flowers are going to have to be.
The USDA continues to update the Cold Hardiness Zone as it sees fit. If you want to grow some of the best Burnsville Minn. flowers, you’ll want to look for evergreens, flowering shrubs and perennials that are zone 4 or lower. Come into Cal’s to see a wide selection of Burnsville Minn. flowers that grow best here. Plants like Bleeding Heart whose small pink flowers actually look like little hearts. Peonies are another fabulous flower that does well in the colder zones, although they’re going to need full sunlight. You might want to round out your flowerbeds with some irises. These gorgeous flowers come in a variety of colors and will continue to come back year after year.
Not sure where to start? Stop by our garden center in Savage, Minnesota today! We’re here to make sure you have the right plants to help you live life in color!